About Batam
Kota Batam adalah salah satu pulau di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, yang terletak antara Selat Malaka dan Singapura yang secara keseluruhan membentuk wilayah Batam. Kota Batam merupakan daerah tropis, dengan suhu rata-rata berkisar antara 24 hingga 35 derajat Celcius (77 sampai 95 derajat Fahrenheit). Kelembaban di wilayah ini berkisar dari 73% menjadi 96%. Secara umum musim hujan dimulai dari November hingga April dan musim kering dari Mei hingga Oktober. Rata-rata curah hujan tahunan sekitar 2600 mm.
Penduduk kota Batam terdiri dari budaya dan etnis yang beragam, dan Budaya Melayu merupakan budaya yang dominan di kota Batam. Meskipun dalam keragaman budaya dan bahasa, Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa nasional tetap digunakan, serta Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di sekolah dan lebih umum digunakan di kalangan bisnis/perusahaan multinasional.
Enam agama besar yang paling banyak dianut di Indonesia, yaitu: Agama Islam, Kristen (Protestan) dan Katolik, Hindu, Buddha, dan Konghucu. Meskipun demikian bukan berarti agama-agama dan kepercayaan lain tidak boleh tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia. Bahkan pemerintah berkewajiban mendorong dan membantu perkembangan agama-agama tersebut. Islam adalah agama mayoritas di Kota Batam. Sebagai simbol dari masyarakat kota Batam yang menganut beragam Agama, pemerintah membangun Masjid Raya Batam yang berada di tengah kota berdekatan dengan alun-alun. Agama Kristen dan Katolik juga dianut oleh masyarakat Batam, terutama yang berasal dari suku Batak dan Flores. Agama Buddha adalah agama yang paling banyak dianut oleh warga Tionghoa. Kota Batam memiliki vihara yang merupakan vihara terbesar di Asia Tenggara, yaitu Vihara Duta Maitreya.
Kota Batam juga memiliki fasilitas umum dan fasilitas sosial yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat seperti:
Batam City is one of the islands in the Riau Islands Province, which is located between the Malacca Strait and Singapore which as a whole form the Batam region. Batam City is a tropical area, with average temperatures ranging from 24 to 35 degrees Celsius (77 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit). The humidity in this region ranges from 73% to 96%. In general, the rainy season starts from November to April and the dry season from May to October. The average annual rainfall is around 2600 mm.
The population of Batam city consists of diverse cultures and ethnicities, and Malay Culture is the dominant culture in the city of Batam. Despite the diversity of cultures and languages, Indonesian as the national language is still used, and English is taught in schools and is more commonly used among business / multinational companies.
The six major religions that are most widely practiced in Indonesia, namely: Islam, Christianity (Protestantism) and Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. However, this does not mean that other religions and beliefs cannot grow and develop in Indonesia. Even the government is obliged to encourage and assist the development of these religions. Islam is the majority religion in Batam City. As a symbol of Batam city people who adhere to various religions, the government built the Batam Grand Mosque which is in the middle of the city adjacent to the square. Christianity and Catholicism are also embraced by the people of Batam, especially those from the Batak and Flores tribes. Buddhism is the religion most practiced by Chinese citizens. Batam City has a monastery which is the largest monastery in Southeast Asia, namely Vihara Duta Maitreya.
Batam City also has public facilities and social facilities that can be used by the community, such as:
Sumber: https://bpbatam.go.id/pages/read/414-fasilitas-umum-dan-sosial The population of Batam city consists of diverse cultures and ethnicities, and Malay Culture is the dominant culture in the city of Batam. Despite the diversity of cultures and languages, Indonesian as the national language is still used, and English is taught in schools and is more commonly used among business / multinational companies.
The six major religions that are most widely practiced in Indonesia, namely: Islam, Christianity (Protestantism) and Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. However, this does not mean that other religions and beliefs cannot grow and develop in Indonesia. Even the government is obliged to encourage and assist the development of these religions. Islam is the majority religion in Batam City. As a symbol of Batam city people who adhere to various religions, the government built the Batam Grand Mosque which is in the middle of the city adjacent to the square. Christianity and Catholicism are also embraced by the people of Batam, especially those from the Batak and Flores tribes. Buddhism is the religion most practiced by Chinese citizens. Batam City has a monastery which is the largest monastery in Southeast Asia, namely Vihara Duta Maitreya.
Batam City also has public facilities and social facilities that can be used by the community, such as: