Student Assistance Service

Calon mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari luar daerah Batam akan difasilitasi penjemputan, pengantaran, dan persiapan tempat tinggal di kota Batam.
Penjemputan mahasiswa baru dilakukan pada saat kedatangan calon mahasiswa di Bandara/Pelabuhan menuju kampus UIB, kemudian akan difasilitasi pengantaran untuk berbelanja keperluan akomodasi, hingga menuju tempat tinggal di asrama UIB ataupun kos terdekat dari kampus UIB.
Fasilitas layanan mahasiswa baru ini berlaku untuk seluruh calon mahasiswa UIB yang berminat ataupun bersedia, dan tetap akan didampingi oleh staf Humas demi kenyamanan dan keselamatan siswa.

Prospective new students who come from outside the Batam area will be facilitated in pick-up, delivery, and preparation for a place to live in the city of Batam.
The picking up process is carried out when prospective students arrive at the airport / port to the UIB campus. After that, they will be facilitated with delivery to shop for accommodation needs, to the residence in the UIB dormitory or the nearest boarding house from the UIB campus.
This new student service facility applies to all prospective UIB students who are interested or willing. The student will still be accompanied by Public Relations staff for the convenience and safety of students.
For new student outside Batam to get this benefit, please contact [email protected].